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Sana Manzar Apadana Urban Furniture Company was located on 2015/7/16 with registration number 55148, approved by the Registry of Companies and Non-Commercial Institutions. This company, in cooperation and partnership with the production complex of modern sazan, designed and produced some elements of urban furniture. With using our scientific and experimental knowledge in the field of landscape architecture and urban furniture, we have taken a step in this field. Today, having a beautiful and dynamic city is a message of hope and peace for citizens. Meanwhile, urban furniture collections that are produced taking into account the space and needs of citizens and relying on creativity and efficiency at the same time, have a great role in this beauty.
The company also tries to provide a combination of modern urban architecture and traditional architecture in the eyes of citizens with special attention to the Iranian-Islamic culture and while using materials appropriate to the climate of this border and environment. Offering creative designs in accordance with defined standards, as well as quality products and the use of up-to-date materials, including GFRC concrete and polymer fiber concretes, are the unique features of this company


In 2018 (Sana Manzar Apadana Company) with registration number 55148 and national ID 14005391789 in order to develop its activities based on its capabilities and scientific and experimental knowledge in recognizing different types of concrete during the past years, launched a production line of pre-panels Made exposed and decorative concrete with (Eribton brand).

Eribton will focus on the production of exposed concrete prefabricated panels, concrete floor prefabricated panels, as well as the production of modular and decorative concrete parts. In order to meet the needs of the architectural community and designers, as well as an active and creative presence in the field of prefabricated concrete facades, we started to manufacture and produce this product.

We hope to take a new step in this creative field by providing quality and lasting products